

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University




 +995 593 478 164

 L. Karaia (B. 1983) holds M.A. in art history f rom the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, Georgia (2005). Currently she is PhD student in Museum studies area of faculty of humanities at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University with a thesis on researching the role and perspectives of Devel opment service  in  Georgian  Museums.  She  was  awarded  with  doc toral  grants  from Shota  Rustaveli National Science foundation and within the grant carried out researches in definite museums of Austria  and UK  to contribute he r PhD  dissertation with international  experie nce. Lana  Karaia works in developme nt and education at the Georgian National Museum (Tbilisi), as well as she is responsible for manageme nt of inte rnational projects at ICOM (Internati onal Council of Museums) National  Committee in Georgia. Since 2015 she is  National  coordinator of European  Museum Forum worki ng on far- ranging activities in the museum field for developing the public quality of European  museums  in  the  21st   century.  Lana  Karaia  actively  works  on  the  capacity  building projects focusing on the conte mporary museum c hallenges for the staff of Georgian museums (with contribution of inte rnational expertise) on the regional and international level. She has been working  and  is  involved  in  the  researches  and  projects, including  “Integration  and  identity”- Research  of  Georgian  immigrant  artists  in  Europe  and  USA  (researcher/c oordinator);  project “Tbilisi museums” (co-author); regional project “Fundraising, marketing and comme rcial activities in museums” (manager); International project “Role and perspectives of Post-Soviet space museums” (coordinator) etc.