

Iwane-Dshawachischwili-Staatsuniversität Tbilissi


Nunu Kapanadze

Ph. D.  Academic Doctor of Philological Sciences

e-mail:   nankapa@gmail.com


Profile of the Author:

Associate Professor at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of West-European Languages and Literature, Department of German philology; Ph. D.  in Linguistics, has been teaching for over thirty years at several schools of the University; Member of the academic and scientific advice of the faculty for Humanities; Member of the doctorate advice of the faculty for humanities; Research fellowship at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (GIP-DAAD), Research fellowship at the University of Saarland (Goethe Gesellschaft in Weimar), Research fellowships at the University of Saarland  (DAAD);

The author of articles in Textlinguistics, Contrastive Linguistics, Translation Studies, Lexicography, LSP Theory and  teaching Methodology. Participant of various international projects: Development of  a  Bilingual German-Georgian Parallel Treebank (DAAD, the Saarland University and Tbilisi State University; 2012-2014 ); Latin-Georgian Legal Dictionary (UNDP, Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian  Law, Swedish International Development Cooparation Agency; 2008); A  Finite-State Lexical Transducer for the Georgian Language Morphological Processing (Foundation for Georgian Studies,  Humanities and Social Sciences. State Research Grant  N 024-08, 2007  N 024-08); Dictionary of International Law: Georgian-English-French-Russian (Foundation “Open Society-Georgia 2005-2006); A Georgian, Russian, English, German Multilingual Valency Lexicon for Natural Language Processing (1998-2000     Georgia-INTAS-1921)


Academic interests: Corpus Linguistics, Textlinguistics, Contrastive Linguistics, LSP Theory, Semantics/Pragmatics, Lexicography, Parralel Treebanks